Sunday, September 18, 2011


I'll introduce myself before ranting any further :
I'm 55 years old (which, despite the beliefs of some recruiters, does NOT mean I'm senile) and have walking difficulties due to Parkinson's Disease.
Apparently this means I'm disabled, a label I hate, preferring the term "handicapped".

"Disabled" says  unable, while "handicapped" says able with a bit of effort.
 Anyway, almost three years aga I was made redundant from my job as an analyst/programmer, thanks to the mess our incompetent government makes of the economy.

To date, I've applied for over 700 jobs, mainly through recruitment agencies advertisements, and I've come to the conclusion that recruitment agencies need
to be regulated, because recruiters -
1.   Often know nothing about a speciality they're recruiting for, so how can they possibly tell who's suitable ?
2.    Advertise non-existent jobs which waste everryone's timee;
3.   Say "I'll ring you back" - then don't !   That should be a hanging offence, why not be  honest and say "I might ring you back if I can't think of anything more interesting to do".
4.   Ask "why haven't you found a job yet ?"
5.  If they do arrange an interview, you'll likely to get there and find they've given the employer misleading information, meaning either you're not suitable for the job or wouldn't last if you it.  I once travelled four hours to a job interview (each way) only to find they needed an expert in management of a database I'd never heard  of.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

David Cameron and "the sicknote culture"

Our idiot prime minister wants to cut sickness benefits to get people to go back to work.
How does the fool expect disabled people to go to work when  no-one will employ them ?

I have walking difficulties due to Parkinson's Disease and have applied for over 600 jobs.
The only way I can get an interview is by concealing the problem - then I stagger  into the
interview on sticks and their brains go straight into rejection mode.

David Caneron needs to do something about jobs for the disabled before making our lives worse by messing up an already tangled bebefits systems.